When faced with overwhelming anxiety that caused dizzy spells, Brene Brown went to her psychiatrist to find out how to better handle her increasing anxiety. Her story is much like mine, but I knew what was coming or what could come, because I had been there before. It's a bit like losing control of your car in the snow, tires unable to grip now matter how to you turn the wheel. Another car looms in front of you. You can see it coming. You windmill the wheel the other way. Your arms lock, extended, bracing yourself for impact. I had been here before. I had also temporarily evaded a couple of near misses with therapy, so I thought I would give it another try. Unfortunately, it was too much, too fast and the Ka-BOOM lurked around every corner. Each day I was more conscious of my heart thudding faster as my world slid in and out of focus, my hands or voice often quivering with an...