I want to believe every word my mental health care team says. My psychiatrist, my naturopath, my psychologist, my family doctor..... The problem is, it sometimes feels like they are all saying different things. The thing is, I want someone, ANYONE, to tell me what is the next right thing to do so I can be happy. That is all I want. Some say I am a victim, or acting the victim and letting things happen TO me and my depression is caused by working hard without what I perceive to be "the right" recognition, having no control over what happens to me at work or home and having a very strong set of values that beliefs that if defied, will erupt into righteous indignation and judgement. Typical Type A burnout ...sounds about right. Some say what is happening to me is that I have been asked to take on too much and in my normal form to not disappoint anyone, I have accepted it. It is unrealistic to expect I can step into a job where there were two man...