Being back at work has cut into my time with my Sista Perfectionista. Funny how going to work eight hours a day does that; cuts into "life". We saw each other just before Christmas but in January, when I was finally back to full time hours, five days a week....our regular weekday visits evaporated. For weeks, Sista sent e-mails filled with "I MISS YOU" and "I NEED to see you!". At first I echoed this need, she had been such an important part of my recovery, I didn't want to slip back into the isolated life I had been living before my crash. I called her from work on my lunch.....we texted fequently.....and much like a treasured toy or blanket, reaching out and having someone grab your hand, kept me anchored as I spun and whirrled though work and moming and keeping sometime for myself. Slowly though, as things continued to change---work in a constant shuffle of personnel, Middle child moving in with us, the Spouse working so much he...