Enrobed by an inch think layer of ice, my back deck gazebo glows in the early morning darkness. This has been one of the challenges with continuing my early morning practice of getting up before everyone else to have some sacred time to write or meditate---the morning darkness. Summertime meant taking my laptop to the deck, where the trill of birdsong and the gentle breeze across my arms caressed my senses awake---reminding me of the power of the universe---and the glory of being part of it.
Winter meant returning to the dining room where the warmth of the furnace and sound of the refrigerator running were poor replacements. Still, the birdfeeder offered up a view of nature, albeit through glass the helped keep the connection. Without knowing it, I had created a sacred place to work and craft and connect with myself and nature. At this table I create and write and meditate (half lotus on the dining room chairs is not has hard as one might think!)
For this week in Inner Mean Girl Reform School we are working on creating a practice that we will commit to for at least 40 days. It doesn't need to be long, but has to allow you to take a pause---just for you---to meditate, draw, write--do something that your soul aches to do that you have put aside. It might even be something you didn't even know was gone.

By establishing this practice for 6 month now, I am confident that I can keep it up when I return to work. In this way, I put my life before work---literally. I can meditate, exercise, write, reflect, cook--whatever I like, and KNOW that I am me, I am not my work, and I am worth the time each day to reconnect with myself and the universe.

I will send some energy to those in need this morning, and count my blessings for where I am in the physical and spiritual world today.
As always, I am a Work in Progess.....
Lovely x