If January is the month of dreaming, then February is the month of pause.
This is the time when I will take all the dreaming, the things my heart and soul sang to me in January, and plant them in my heart to see how they might take root in active living.
Right now, they are just seeds of what I want to bring into my life in the next year.
The best things in life are worth waiting for, people say.
Living my purpose,
following my heart,
facing my truth,
finding myself.
Just now seeds: feel, brave, trust, flow and newly discovered receive--will require patience and time--two things I am working on ALWAYS.
February finds my physical world buried in snow. Buried to the point where there is no where else to put it. I simply cannot lift the shovel any higher. I am no longer shoveling off the deck, I am shoveling UP the deck---to the edge --and then up.
Patience and time.
It is not time to plant them, but time to notice them, acknowledge them, pause and observe.
So for 28 days, I will hold these seeds of 2014 in my heart. A super power pause month to retreat within. Keep warm. Be patient. Live inside of time, not in spite of it.
I will wrap each in a cozy blanket and send them love.
It is all just part of my Work in Progress + Time and Patience.
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