Change is hard. It
is particularly difficult when you are recovering from anxiety and
depression. Your old self, old habits,
old mistaken beliefs, sit beside you in therapy looking like a comfortable
blanket to throw over your raw, wounded self. It is easy to go back to what you know. Putting yourself out there; being vulnerable and open to change; that is the hard stuff.
In group therapy, I listened to people often lamented that they just wanted to go back to being who they were. That is exactly what I didn’t want.

That is what landed me in the
hospital…..twice in 15 years. Clearly this
pattern was not serving me well. Behind
each habit was a core belief that if I just do more, I will have value….people
will love me….people will need me.
A little over a year out from my breakdown, I feel like I
am in a better place. I continue to work
on my core beliefs that drive my inner voice.
I think about the messages I give myself. I challenge my thinking. I see a good therapist.
I have created new habits.

It’s a lot. But
again, that is me and there are parts of me I have to embrace because they are
at my very core. I am a type A
personality so I now throw my energy at being a better me.
There is a secret that worked for me and while it may
sound trite and simplistic (I actually thought it was a cop out the group
therapists used to avoid answering the question “HOW DO I FIX THIS?”) it will
work if you are brave enough to try it.
Simply, it is Just
Do It.

So for me, the best I could do was just shut it off. No talk, no judgment, no chatter.
Yoga class on Monday.
I will go. I will not think about
it before hand. When Monday at 10:00 AM
gets here I will pack up my gym clothes and go.
I will not make any judgment on how I feel or what finding parking will
be like or how I may or may not be able to do this class. I will just do it.
Sometimes I had to “do it” several times, but every new
thing I tried; every new thing I reserved judgment on and “just did” I was rewiring
my brain and creating positive new habits.
I have yet to return to work. That is coming in the
spring and will be the biggest test of all; quieting the inner mean girl voices
in my head and “just doing it”. My new
soul nurturing habits will be what I lean on to balance out what I do with who
I am.
So what have you got to lose? Pick something. Don’t think. Don’t evaluate, judge, critique,
dismiss or shake your head (I see you!)---just go and do.
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