I thought when I started writing that I was the only one going through this mid-life awakening. I thought I was the only one who was suddenly trying to look at the world through eyes that were learning to be compassionate and loving toward myself and others.
Wow was I wrong. Like a flower, slowly opening to meet the sun, I strive to absorb the wisdom and guidance of some amazingly brave, warm, daring, bright-light women, who honor their true purpose in life by reaching out and saying:
I see you.
I know you.
I have been you.
You are enough.
You are worth it.
You matter.
Be brave
Be strong.
Carry on.
They inspire me every day; keep me steady; take me out of my comfort zone in loving arms, and bring me back to myself; to a more meaningful, purposeful, wholehearted life.
I have signed up to watch a presentation by Amy Ahlers---one of those guiding lights. Here is a brief clip from her website where she helps you dig into the dark places and brings you back to the light.
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