Most mornings, when I step outside with my coffee, I deposit
my laptop on the table and from the far corner of the deck, survey what I can
see of the gardens. We have lived here
for five years and this is the first year I did not buy any plants to add to
the garden. It is full and lush and
green. The morning glories I started from the seeds of the single morning glory
plant I received for Mother Day last year are climbing everywhere. I am in the bubble of my small world. I love it.
Yesterday morning, the bird feeder had been empty of
sunflower seeds, so I filled it up and sat down to write. The birds are used to
me now, so come quiet close. Harried
sparrows fling seeds onto Sadie as she sleeps on the deck below,
I opened my laptop and turned it on and sat back to wait for
it to boot up. I frowned, noting a conspicuous gap in my garden.
I went to investigate.
My small world perfect bubble of creative space, fashioned
by weaving together bird song, the sound of leaves swaying in the fresh morning
breeze, the warmth of the emergent sun creeping into the yard and the smell of
the coffee in my hand, was shattered by my own voice!
What the hell!!!
(intake of breath upon realization) Those little greedy buggers! They could not even wait until I filled the
feeder this morning!
Laying at my feet was the mangled remains my three, used to
be towering, sunflowers. They had
recently started to go to seed and I was excited to harvest them ---to use in
the winter---to feed the squirrels! I do
not mind buying the food but when some of the seeds had made it to the garden,
and actually began to grow, I found it very satisfying to see a plan form. (see cool graphic)
Like the morning glories, the power of nature—from one seed,
bounty will grow.
So, I yanked the stems out of the grounds and tossed them on
the compost heap and told everyone in my small world about the injustice and the nerve of these squirrels to mess with the
It was only later, when describing it out loud to my oldest
son, that I realized something that translates to my recovery. (sometimes
the universe slips in these messages and you have got to be open to receiving
them – otherwise you are just some looney swearing in your garden in the
morning, inventing one more thing to feel outraged or depressed or sad or hurt
So lesson learned, and one my dad was fond of reminding
me. If you want to make God laugh, just
tell Him your plans.
- This was a lesson to remind me I cannot be in control of all things.
- This was a lesson to remind me sometimes the plan does not unfold the way you expect, but you can still achieve the same thing.
- This was a lesson to remind me I am not in control of all things in my small world sometimes even though I like to think I can maintain sanity and control if I stay in my small world more often than not.
I can influence things in my small world (like my kids, The
Spouse, my garden, my dogs, the squirrels, the birds….) but I am not in control
of them. There are other forces acting on them. I work really hard to instill
good values and bring love and humor and common sense into practise with my
family…but they will have to make their own decisions and the consequences will
be theirs. Instilling common sense in
squirrels, or trying to increase their EQ buy delaying gratification on the
seeds is just dumb—and makes me laugh to think I thought I was in control of
all that!
It is a lesson in letting go of things I cannot control…and
a reminder to continue to try to stop trying.
Thank you squirrels and sunflowers and universe. I AM
I loved this post. I can totally relate.
ReplyDelete"If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him your plans."
This made me laugh. :)