You know
those photos you see for ground breaking ceremonies?
Everyone turns up in their best attire. Hardhats on. Ribbon
around the golden shovel? Smile for the camera! Sound bite.....and done.
Yeahhhhh.... Me?
I feel
like I live 20 minutes AFTER the photo was taken.... and everyone
is gone... and I am standing there in an empty field... still holding the shovel.....and my
left heel is slowly sinking into the soft earth as my right foot
tentatively nudges the blade of the shovel into the dirt...and I am facing
this HUGE tower that is my recovery and I have a lot of earth to
And rare
days.....rare days a backhoe shows up for a couple of hours and you feel a bit
lighter. I had a day like that recently and it reminded me just how big this project is. And how I am the only one who can do the work. But also, how the tools I have are all around me...and how if I keep at it...I will continue to dig myself out of this hole.
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