Trust. I am rumbling with trust. Rumbling is my new verb. Brené Brown uses it in her new book Rising Strong and it has taken me a good week to be able to "get" the word. For a good seven days she might have well have written the word "syeblkehoi" for all the sense it made to me. Please pass the syeblkehoi. Just connect the syeblkehoi and it will turn on. Bob syeblkhoi to school. At first, I couldn't get my head around it. I was reading sentences over and over to try to capture the intent --- to infer meaning from the surrounding text. "Syeblkehoi," said Paul. Whatever you do, don't foget the syeblkehoi. It kept slipping through my fingers. Sentence after sentence, like a bubble of evaded me. To rumble with someone --a verb maybe---like in West Side story, where rival gangs fight in the streets---switchblades gracefully lunging ...