I was at my son's baseball game last night, explaining to The Spouse how I had compared adding up negative experiences to adding bricks to a backpack and then wondering why you can't perform your best. Before I finished my story, he said, "Yeah, like George Clooney." "What?" "Up in the Air...." "Sorry.....WHAT?" "The movie! Clooney's character talks about that." "WHAT! I wrote about it yesterday in my blog! I haven't even SEEN the movie!!" "Plagarist." "WHAT!!" So apparently, I am not as creative nor as brilliant as I thought.....(it is not the same thing exactly....so I am still taking credit for good parenting! He wouldn't get the adult version. I do.....ugh...but he wouldn't. He would cry if we lit his backpack full of video games on fire.) I have been thinking about this backpack thing though as I watched the kids play...